
Yesterday was an early start for us… we had a sudden trip to Sydney….

I am announcing the birth of my first grand-daughter by the name of Claire Elizabeth.  Her weight was a hefty 11lb 6oz or 5.28 kg. Her length is roughly 21 inches or 52cm (I think I have the length correct).

She is in the Neonatal intensive care unit until her blood sugar stabilizes. Her mother is a diabetic with Type 1 diabetes.

I am so glad that it is over, but really a Sumo wrestler?  You should see the pictures my son took at the time of the birth 🙂

a russian doll


UPDATE: The mother is out of the hospital but Claire has not been give the all clear to leave. The latest is that she is having some feeding issues. She is being fed with formula because her mother cannot breastfeed.  There must be some other reason that they want to keep her there just a little bit longer but hopefully she will be out of the hospital and home by the end of the week.  Besides I have a lot of new clothing after my spending spree to pass on to the proud parents.

In other news, I can announce that my middle son and his partner have purchased a property. It is the ideal situation for them and they had to act give such an opportunity!!  It is also ideal for my grandson, Nathan and it will not disrupt his life too much 🙂

28 responses to “Announcing

  1. Congratulations to you . I have 2 so I understand the joy. Huge baby.. wow. Hope all is well.


  2. Thanks. She is my second grandchild. The first is a little boy who was also premature and tiny in comparison. He is doing great.

    She is lovely despite being so chubby. That is why I am calling her a Sumo wrestler 🙂


  3. Congrats, again, Aussie!

    Will look forward to those pictures :).


  4. Awwwwwwwww


  5. Aussie, she looks as if she’s ready for college already :).

    What a cutie!!!!!


  6. Hi Aussie,
    Such a fine girl! Congrats to you. She looks as though she was born wise. Thanks to SueK for emailing me the news.


    • oh thank you. In the naked photo she looks like a Sumo wrestler. In this one she looks like one of those Russian nesting dolls. I will just have to call her my Russian princess 🙂


  7. Aussie,

    Heh, heh; I sent Claire Elizabeth around to all your blog pals; hope you don’t mind!


    • Of course I do not mind everyone having a look at my Russian princess.

      She is part-Russian, but her mom was born in Israel. The grandparents went to Israel after getting out of Russia and finally settled in Australia. 🙂


  8. SueK, cabbyaz –

    Hello! How’ve you been?


  9. Thanks, Aussie; yup, very busy!

    Hey Carlyle, how are ya, my friend? *Great* to read you again, especially on this thread announcing a very happy event :).

    Hope all is well!


  10. Hello to you, Carlyle! I miss your insightful comments and hope all is well with you. I loved it when you would pose questions for discussion several years ago when we were at the other place. “Times change and we with time, but not in the ways of friendship.”


  11. SueK, cabbyaz –

    Yeah, I am basically OK, but my personal situation has changed a little and I cannot spend as much time posting as I used to. However, I do manage to post here and at Mario Apuzzo somewhat frequently. I love both Aussie and MA as being HONEST and THOUGHTFUL analysts. Sometimes I agree and sometimes disagree, but there is always RESPECT and CIVILITY.

    And, yes, I still pose “questions for discussion” as you euphemistically call them. The blog owners probably prefer to call them “cantankerous”. But on the other hand, they could ban me or otherwise refuse to post my comments. So maybe they think, PITA or not, that I provide a valuable counterpoint!


  12. jrCarolinas

    Aussie – I haven’t posted in a while, but please know I do still come here to read your articles and comments.

    A BIG Congratulations on your Grand daughter. She is BEAUTIFUL. You are one lucky Grandma 🙂 Best wishes to you and her proud parents.


    • thank you so much. My Russian princess remains in the neonatal intensive care because her blood sugars have not stabilized.


  13. Has Claire’s blood sugar stabilized yet? Can she go home this weekend?


  14. WONDERFUL!! 🙂
