Monthly Archives: July 2015

It has been a while

I should be paying more attention to this blog, but, unfortunately there are things happening within my life that means I do not have the time to read and then write about current events.

The title of this blog is “A world at war”. There are many levels on which there is war and it allows a very wide variety of content. For example I have seen a lot of material about Daesh but have not been inspired to write about what has made me feel quite sick.

Lately, feeling sick has been more literal that I prefer in my life. Last week I spent almost a week in hospital. I was admitted via A&E at my local hospital (it is 1km as the crow flies but about 5 km by car).  I was a very sick woman and my situation was quite dangerous. I had a procedure that failed because I gagged when they tried t put the camera in my throat, even though the last time I had a procedure with the use of a camera I had tolerated the same without gagging. As a result I was transferred to another hospital on the Thursday evening and the following day the procedure was repeated under a general anaesthetic.  A stent has been used so that the bilirubin has been released and now I do not look like an Oompah Loompah (reference to Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory).  I was discharged from the hospital on the Saturday by the surgeon who took over my case. It is not over!!

On Monday I made an appointment to see the specialist for 2 weeks time. I visited my GP and then went shopping. My husband became anxious because “You have form when it comes to going to the doctor and not coming home” Really? On Tuesday I managed to mess up an appointment so I did a little bit more in the way of shopping!!  On Wednesday I repeated the appointment and had a CT scan of my abdomen and pelvis. I have had 2 blood tests during the week. It seems that the vampires keep going after my blood. Actually, what was amusing to me, and I admit that I was delighted to see the woman, is that I had the vampire who was doing the tests on the ward, do a requested test from my surgeon specialist. I was very happy to see her because she really was very nice.

The situation at present is that I am still not 100% where wellness is concerned. I have gallstones and it is highly likely that my gallbladder will be removed. The emergency was caused by what is known as jaundice stricture. The cause was not found meaning that it was not a gallstone in the bile duct. I continue to have pain which is in fact stronger than when I was in hospital.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I intend to celebrate it in style. I have my birthday present in advance :). This item will go with me to hospital the next time I have to present myself for the purpose of surgery. Hopefully I will not end up with pin pricks all over my arms.

Next week I have a lot of appointments and it will be a busy time.

I hope to get blogging again when I am feeling better.