Monthly Archives: December 2014

Some insights into the perpetrator of the Sydney siege

The siege is over and now the questions are being asked about how this man was allowed to live in Australia. The first question is: how did he manage to get refugee status?

The answer to this question is complex because this person apparently was wanted in Iran for committing fraud. The latest from Iran is that he had owned a travel agency and that he defrauded people of their money before fleeing to Malaysia and then Australia. The name he used in Iran was Manteghi which formed part of the name he used when he first came to Australia.

This man used the name of Ayatollah Bourejeurdi (who is currently in Evin prison awaiting the carrying out of a death sentence – it might have already happened).  He told Australian authorities that he was under persecution because of his liberal ideas as an Ayatollah. The real man believes in separation of “church” and state, and that the religious should not be running the government.

What this suggests to me is that the people responsible for checking into the background of this man and his claim to be a refugee from Iran failed in their duty of care by not making a more thorough check. I guess it is hard if you do not go directly to the Iranian authorities to check out the identity of an individual.  It is a failure of the system that has been in operation for some time.

My other observation is that many people have not understood the meaning of terrorist in regard to the woman who became his partner and third wife.  There is a Youtube video where a woman in a veil states “I was a terrorist… but not any more”. People have immediately jumped to the conclusion that his means that she indulged in terrorist activity, but that is not the case at all. In fact the statement is all part of the bizarre thinking of Man Horan Manis.  To get some background here, one has to think in political terms and to understand some of the things that this man did to protest Australia going into Iraq back in 2003. He believed that it was the Americans and Australians etc. who were the terrorists because they were “attacking Muslims”. The woman in the video is of Greek heritage and I would suggest that she had accepted the presence of Australian troops in both Afghanistan and Iraq. As such the woman would have been considered a terrorist by this man… thus he made her make that statement in the video. She was not a terrorist but she is on murder charges for the death of the ex-wife of Man Horan Monis was stabbed and set on fire.

The perpetrator was a lone wolf but I do think that he was influenced by others. I do not know if he attended meetings of Hizb-ut-Tahrir but he was certainly influenced by their rhetoric. Also, he would have seen the scenes of the barbarism carried out by I.S. on the T.V. and on the Internet. He would have been reading material from Al Qaeda as well as diatribes from I.S. He was clearly influenced by the leadership of I.S.  There was a foiled plot here in Sydney back in September. The details of the plot were broadcast very widely. The plot that forced the terrorism raids involved chatter between Baryalei and another person that there should be a kidnapping of a hostage in Martin place, and a beheading that was to be videotaped with the purpose of bringing fear to Australians.  Since the plot had failed, in the head of this deranged man, he might have decided that he would attempt to go ahead with a plan of his own to take hostages in such a way that the world stage had to take notice.  How, for example, did this man get hold of a gun? Was it a legally registered gun – he could have obtained the gun in another State so that the NSW police were unaware that he owned a weapon.

Looking at what happened, the choice of the Lindt cafe seemed to be a bit of a mystery, except that it was directly opposite the studio of Channel 7. The breakfast show called Sunrise often showcased Martin Place during the morning, including at times having singers on hand giving a concert for the passers-by. This meant that the presenters had a bird’s eye view when the siege began. It was instant media attention.  (Chris Kenny a journalist was directly in the vicinity when the drama began, thus media attention was almost guaranteed anyway).  More important though, with the cameras trained on the window of the cafe, this man used the Shahada flag to draw attention to his purpose. He demanded that someone bring him an I.S. flag but this request was denied. He demanded to speak with our Prime Minister but this request was denied. The intent of this man was to make a statement for Islamic State. His intention seemed to be that he was determined to carry out what had been foiled.  However, he chose a shotgun rather than a knife, and no I am not sure if he had a knife in his backpack.

There is every reason to believe that the perpetrator was unhinged, and for some this more or less means that there could not be a connection to Islam or to any other terrorist activity. I disagree. The perpetrator had connections to Hizb-ut-tahrir, a terror organization in Australia that needs to be banned because of its activities. Also, it is clear from the day of the siege that the perpetrator believed that he was a part of the IS and that what he was doing was in response to IS calls for acts of terrorism in Australia.  This does not mean that the man was not mentally ill, but to the contrary it should be seen as a part of his mental state.

For whatever reason, there are people who are attracted to cults and who willingly submit to cult activity. It is no different in this case except that the “cult” is Islam. The perpetrator was raised as a Muslim in Iran. He embraced Satan when he stole the money from the travel agency in Iran, and then took on the identity of another man when he arrived in Australia (He took the real Bourejerdi’s story and used it as his own). After that he wrote those nasty hate filled letters to the widows of our soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Iraq. On top of that he plotted the death of his ex-wife, ensuring that he had an alibi for the time before and after the event. The woman who is considered to be his widow is now back in prison awaiting trial for the murder of the perpetrator’s ex-wife.

Tragic end to the siege in Sydney – fact and fiction

Yesterday, a man by the name of Man Monis walked into the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place Sydney. He had a shotgun in a blue backpack and he had decided to hold all those inside as hostages. Tragically, after 17 long gruelling hours, the siege ended with two of the hostages being killed, as well as the gunman (it was deserved).

Yesterday there was a lot of hype about the siege, including the claim that Islamists had stormed the cafe. Well, first of all, there was no storming of the cafe. There are witnesses who were on the outside as the drama began to unfold. One woman tried to get into the shop but the electric doors had been disengaged. This indicates that the man had disabled the door after he entered the cafe. That woman spotted the gun that was inside the bag, she screamed out that the man had a gun, and she immediately got on her phone and called the police. Another person who was present, and again on the outside of the cafe was the reporter Chris Kenny. He had purchased a takeaway coffee and then sat down outside the shop whilst talking to someone on the phone. The man must have entered the shop a short time after Kenny had exited. Both Kenny and the woman are reliable witnesses and the same goes for the delivery man who also saw the drama as it began to unfold. He gave a very accurate description of Mani to the police. However, another witness gave a very unreliable account claiming that there was more than one person present.

The media, as usual got a lot of things wrong and one of those things was the comment from the Lindt CEO claiming that there were probably around 60 people in the shop at the time. The truth is that there were 17 persons present including customers and staff when Mani entered the shop. All other comments about the number of hostages were pure fiction, including the lower figure of about 8 people being held hostage.  Obviously, the other area of fiction is the usual claim “We do not know his motivation”.

Watching the clowns on the TV yesterday was quite an ordeal. I found that most of the reporters were talking garbage and few of them had any real knowledge with regard to Islam. This comment includes the go to experts that were interviewed. All of them danced around the obvious and they seemed to be able to comprehend the obvious – the use of the black flag known as the Shahada.

The black flag known as the Shahada is well known as it is displayed by most Islamist jihadis now fighting in Syria and Iraq. On top of that, there was an incident back in September where an 18 year old was killed in Melbourne, after he had wounded two members of the special terrorist squad (one was a Federal guy and the other was local to Victoria). The young person had his passport cancelled because he was intending on going to Syria or Iraq to join the jihadis. He acted as a lone wolf when he attempted to kill the two police officers by inflicting stab wounds. The reason that I bring this up is due to the fact that the young man had displayed this very same flag.

However, the usual lying suspects aka Keysar Trad has already proclaimed that the use of the Shahada Flag by Mani was blasphemy. Well I proclaim mushroom fodder in regard to that claim. Keysar Trad knows all too well that the extremist Islamists here in Sydney use this flag at their rallies.  Another spokeswoman from the same community also made other claims about how this was not part of the Muslim “faith”.  I felt as I watched her speaking that she was lying and that she also knows the truth in regard to this whole jihadi thing.

One little piece of information that I spotted this morning about Monis Mani is that one report stated that Mani was a self-proclaimed IS sheik.  Apparently within some of the demands being made yesterday Monis Mani wanted an IS flag to be delivered to him. Does anyone want to talk about motivation for this attack now? No!!

One commentator, Ray Hadley, boldly proclaimed that this kind of thing has nothing to do with the Muslim community. It seems to me that Hadley simply has no clue as to the truth about Islam. What he stated is simply not the truth. Was Monis Mani a crazed person? Yes, that is highly likely since even his former lawyer described him as damaged goods.

Now for some other facts about Monis Mani:

1. Monis Mani was responsible for writing hate letters to the families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan. In the end he got a slap on the wrist after the case made it to a higher court with a defence proclaiming that the letter writing was freedom of speech – I beg to differ on that one.

2. Monis Mani was charged with being an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife. The magistrate allowed him out on bail claiming that the police case was weak.

3. Monis Mani was charged with 49 counts of sexual assault against 7 women. He had set himself up as being a “spiritual healer”. Again he was allowed out on bail.

4. The spooks were keeping an eye on Monis Mani, but it seems that they were not keeping a close enough eye on him.

One other point here:  Monis Mani had a shot gun. I question whether it was legally obtained because I would doubt, given his background that he would have been granted a licence in the first place. Unfortunately, most of the gun crime in Australia is carried out by people who have obtained illegal weapons.  This does in fact make the rest of us more vulnerable… but Australians as a whole are not into gun ownership.

This leads me to countering some more fiction regarding gun ownership in Australia. We are allowed to own guns and that has always been the case. We do need to be licenced to own a gun and I have no quarrel with such a requirement. Criminals are not allowed to own guns, but criminals continue to get access to guns. Some have been importing gun parts and make their own illegal guns.

The Australian gun laws were tightened after the Port Arthur massacre to make it harder for people to own semi-automatic and automatic weapons. There was a gun amnesty and many guns were voluntarily surrendered. However, since then legal gun ownership has increased and there are more gun owners than prior to the Port Arthur massacre. I will add here that the perpetrator of that massacre was a misfit who should never have been allowed to own a gun in the first place.

In other words, Australians have not been stripped of any gun rights. Australian citizens can own a gun if they wish, but there are restrictions upon how those guns are stored, as in they must be secured. Yes there have been thefts from gun owners and that is one way in which the criminal gangs get hold of their guns. It is simply wrong to make the claim that Australians are not allowed to own guns because the opposite is the truth.

Mississippi Burning – Jessica Chambers Murder: “They squirted lighter fluid down her throat and in her nose” – Then set her on fire in her car…

Justice for Jessica. This goes beyond what is ever acceptable in any society. The family of Jessica Chambers need to see justice being done.

A birth announcement

We have been looking after Claire for the week because her mother has been in hospital, prepararing for the birth of our our new grand-daughter.  Ilana has diabetes 1 and Claire was overcooked, ended up being a big baby being 5.5 kg or over 11lb at birth. She weighed in at slightly more than the boy that was born the day before at the same hospital!!

Yesterday, December 5 our new grand-daughter Tierney Breanna was born, weing in at about 3.4 kg meaning that she is just over the 7lb mark. Tierney is well and is coming off her blood sugar hypo.  She was born at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Camperdown Sydney. All care has been taken with this birth!!

Claire is beginning to walk and talk. She has taken a few steps on her own but she is not truly confident. This morning I allowed her to choose the clothing she was to wear this morning. Little girls know their own mind on such matters as clothing. I gave her two choices for her shorts and her top :).

Claire loves “Row Row Row your boat” and she loves the Wiggles. It is all very funny.

Unfortunately for me, Claire is heavy. It is not her fault and she is in fact becoming less flabby as her leg muscles strengthen. However, I have arthritis that affects my hips, knees and ankles as well as other parts of my body. On top of that I have secondary fibromyalgia. We have very humid weather at present and that means I am very sore at times.  It is very difficult for me to hold and carry Claire.

Addendum: Claire is now walking instead of crawling everywhere. One of the things that she learned at our place was to tell us when she was wet. Her parents did not believe me, but on at least one occasion since she went home she has taken me by the hands and led me to her room and then told me “wet”. Ilana has now heard her saying it, and accepts that she is indeed letting her know that she is wet.

I am waiting on news about Claire’s health. One possibility is epilepsy.  I will write more when there is a diagnosis.