Monthly Archives: November 2013

George Zimmerman Released On $9,000 Bail – Must Wear Satellite Monitor – January 7th Hearing Set With Judge Jessie (D’oh)

I think that Sundance is correct… the whole thing does not meet the sniff test, especially with that skank O’Connor being involved.

Why Would Anyone Need An AR-15?

Stately McDaniel Manor

Perhaps the most demonized firearm in America today is also the most popular rifle: the ubiquitous AR-15.  Anti-freedom Politicians and activists continue to exploit a dishonest tactic arguably hatched by Pete Shields, former Chairman of what is now the Brady Campaign, in 1976: demonizing and hopefully banning any gun as a target of opportunity as a means of getting a foot in the door to ban them all.  In 1990, the Violence Policy Center, decided that so called “assault weapons” would be the focus of demonization for the anti-gun left: 

the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun.

It matters not that rifles are used in a tiny portion of all crimes, and that AR-15s are used in a miniscule portion of that tiny portion of all crimes, restricting freedom and disarming the…

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Shooting at the Tom Bradley building LAX airport

I am sort of familiar with this particular building because it is used for International flights, such as for QANTAS. When we were returning home from our big trip to the USA in 2009, we spent several hours in the building, most of those hours were spent on the top floor.

I have some particular memories about the security in that building such as not being able to put down or stand by our bags as we took turns to go to the toilet. Security was very quick in attempting to move us on. This happened when we initially arrived in Los Angeles on our way to New York, and we did a stop over, for the rest of the day and resumed our connecting flight the next morning.

A few things are perplexing about where the actual shooting took place, because there are TSA officials very close to the entrance, as these are the ones who check the luggage, thoroughly. Behind them, in the large foyer area are the counters for the various airlines where people line up to get their boarding passes.  There is an upstairs area where there are shops and some eateries and some seats for passengers who have a long wait for their flights.

Once called, there is a long corridor where one goes to be checked over by the TSA, and then on to the actual terminal where the flight will proceed, followed by more waiting… and waiting.

What I am not clear about is the way in which potential passengers were evacuated. I assume that these were people who had gone past the check points and were waiting for flights because they actually entered the area where the aircraft would be standing and buses were waiting for them. So again, I am confused about where the shooting actually happened.

It is early days as far as news reports about the incident are concerned. The suspect is apparently a 23 year old from New Jersey. According to a report that I have just seen, he sent a message to his brother that he was going to kill himself. So, it seems this is yet another crazy who has used a soft target, this time inside the terminal at LAX to create a scene where he intended to take out as many people as he could before turning the gun on himself, except a policeman shot him in the leg instead.  There is one TSA person who has been killed in the incident.