Monthly Archives: July 2011

Which is worse?

The idea for this question has come from a comment I saw on Andrew Bolt’s blog, so I am going to pose the question here, since it affects American politics. Which do you consider to be worse:

1. providing a site for a hacker such as Bradley Manning and then releasing top secret or secret documents via the press.

2. hacking the phone of Jude Law and then reporting on his infidelities.

3. hacking the phones of murder victims, and victims of terrorist attacks.

I am giving three options here in order to try and bring perspective into the issues, and to point up the hypocrisy of the left-wing media.

For the record, I am against all three options. However, here is my analysis:

Options 1 and 3 together are worse than option 2, however, option 1 has far reaching consequences that are not experienced in either of the other 2 scenarios.

The hacking done by Bradley Manning and the uploading of secret documents that he stole from the US Department of Defence and elsewhere is a criminal offense, and I might add, it was the committing of treason. Top Secret and Secret documents are classified that way for a reason. The leaking of those cables put some lives in jeopardy. It was devastating in Afghanistan for example, leading to the deaths of several Afghan leaders. It also lead to threats on the lives of other individuals in Africa.

The hacking of the telephone of Milly Dowler was disgusting to say the least. It is because the messages were erased that led police and her parents to think that she was alive, when in fact she was dead. This also led to the police not pursuing all of their leads, which meant that a dangerous man was allowed out on the streets for a longer time which enabled him to commit further crimes. The parents went through a nightmare, with the father being fingered as a suspect, when in fact he was innocent of any wrong doing towards his 13 year old daughter.  The alleged hacking of the phones of terrorist victims has not been proved. It would be bad on the same level as it was bad in the Dowler case.

I continue to be against the pursuit of celebrities within their personal lives. I really do not care about the way that these people with over-inflated egos conduct their lives. This includes being against all phone hacking as well as photographers who haunt people. This is on a par with the hacking of the personal email account of Sarah Palin. It is a criminal offense, and anyone caught hacking into the personal business of another should face jail time. This also applies to the journalist who did a break and enter at the Alaska Governor’s mansion during the 2008 elections, when a personal diary was stolen and Oh golly gosh, there was a spelling mistake….. That journalist should have been charged with the crime of break and enter, and the theft of personal property.

The reaction of the left-wing media shows up their hypocrisy. Why do they defend Julian Assange, yet decry News of the World? Both situations are on a par, with the release of Top Secret information being a lot more serious.

I know why they are reacting that way. They want to shut down debate. They do not want us to have a voice. They want to filter the information that we receive. Last night as I watched the news, for example, I listened to one reporter and noted at least 3 lots of misinformation. Here in Australia, as we battle against the red-haired witch that we dub Juliar (and I swear at some angles her nose really reminds me of Pinnochio)the Marxist Dullard (Gillard), there is a new push for a “media inquiry”, not against the obvious left-wing bias of the leftist papers, but one that is directly against the papers who have sought to give the truth to the population about the fact that carbon dioxide is not pollution, but is an invisible gas, and is the very air that we breathe out. The man who started the push is a Watermelon, and he cannot stand the scrutiny that he is now receiving, thus he dubs the NewsCorp papers “the hate media”, but that is not true. All of the hate comes from the Left – every single last drop of hatred comes from the left.

Good shot Wendi Deng

Here is a little story about a friend of mine who went to Our Lady of Mercy in Parramatta. Amongst the “old girls” of the school is a certain Mrs Murdoch, the ex-wife of Rupert Murdoch. She is a very down to earth woman, and she had no problem mixing with her former classmates. I do not have a lot to say about the story itself, just to note that this is also the mother of James and the other adult Murdoch children. However, this post is about Murdoch’s new wife, Wendi Deng. I had no idea that this woman was capable of so much feeling!! 🙂

The online papers are full of the story about the inquiry in the British Parliament, but thanks to a leftist tool by the name of Johnny Marbles, there was a very different story that emerged, and Wendi deserves accolades for her quick action. Rupert and James faced more than 2 hours of questioning by the committees, and Rupert again pointed out that he trusted his staff to do the right thing and he was let down by them. Once again he expressed his own anguish at the actions of someone who had hacked the phone of Milly Dowler.

It was at this point that Marbles decided to throw a cream pie at Rupert Murdoch. The said pie was caught by Wendi Deng, who was sitting behind her husband, and she threw the pie back at Marbles. Up went the cry “Got him”!!  Classic.

You can find a very balanced summary of what transpired at the inquiry at this link. You can also find further information on what took place during the questioning at this link.

I have to add here that the remaining executives of News Corp have been fully co-operating with the police investigation. They have turned over materials to the police which actually initiated the new inquiry. Like I pointed out, News Corporation is a multinational company, and Murdoch has been concentrating on the American business. That means he has allowed both the Australian and the English executives in charge of their respective businesses, and he expected them to do the right thing. As such, he was not aware of the hacking or the payments that went to the person who did the hacking. James Murdoch had stated that he had been misled about some payments that he had authorised. It seems that both Murdochs are shocked at the levels of deception that has now come to light. Due diligence comes to mind here…and for the time being I give James the benefit of the doubt.

Rebekah Brooks was editor at News of the World at the time that the hacking of Milly’s account took place. I honestly do not know, or even believe that she would have authorised such a thing to happen.

I am of the opinion that even the hacking of the phone of Jude Law, or any other famous person is very sleazy. These people have a right to privacy, and I really find it disgusting that journalists on all of the papers would go to such lengths to get their stories. Reading any of these rags one was constantly finding stories of betrayal and quite often the stories were made up, being designed to get sales. Well, I do not purchase magazines for that kind of trash. I prefer the older style when we got knitting, crochet, embroidery, tatting, cooking recipes, and even sewing patterns, but not the trash that is dished up weekly or monthly from the current women’s magazines. I have no time for the newspapers because of the actual basis and lack of real journalistic content.


The hacking scandal

The actual scandal happened more than 6 years ago, but it is only now that the whole of the scandal has burst upon the scene. There is a well known saying about a “little bit of sunlight”. After the murder trial involving murder victim Milly Dowler, and the manner in which the Dowler family was crucified at the trial, it seems that the news that someone hacked Milly’s phone has caused the mushroom fodder to hit the fan.

Milly Dowler disappeared several years ago, she was kidnapped and murdered by a man who had been convicted of a similar crime. At the time of her kidnapping Milly had discovered a bit of a dark family secret, and that secret had upset her very much. On the afternoon that she disappeared, Milly had gotten off the train one stop early and she had gone to a cafe with friends before starting her walk home. She never arrived at her home. As a result of that dark secret involving the sexual proclivities of her father, the police failed to follow up all of the vital clues, including the fact that this known sex offender lived in a house close to where Milly had disappeared. Instead, her father had become a suspect in the eyes of the police and they stopped looking.

In the months before her body was discovered, the family thought that Milly was still alive, because her voice mailbox had been cleared, allowing extra messages to be left. The family was being given the impression that Milly was listening to the messages. Instead, someone associated with the News of the World had arranged for the hacking of the girl’s telephone. This is the scandal that has now erupted.

Rupert Murdoch has had a very personal meeting with Milly Dowler’s family. This father, mother and sister had gone through hell in the witness box. Murdoch personally apologized for the behaviour of the editors and staff at News of the World. He was very upset over the whole matter. Rebekah Brooks, who was chief editor at the time of the hacking offered her resignation again, and it was accepted. The very next day she was arrested in relation to the scandal. She will have her day in court. I am not sure if she will also give evidence before Parliament relating to the whole scandal.

The whole hacking scandal is centred in the UK. This has not stopped the beginning of a US witch hunt with the FBI doing an investigation (no doubt on the orders of Østupid) over a rumour of possible hacking of the phones of victims of 9/11. Personally, I think that there is not even a puff of smoke with regard to those claims. However, there is evidence that News of the World editors and staffed hacked the phones of the victims of the London bombing.

People, that is, ordinary people have a right to privacy. The hacking of Milly Dowler’s phone was a big breach of that right to privacy. The whole thing was done in order to try and get the big scoop. It is not just News of the World. Other news organizations had done the same thing. I fear I no longer have the links to the story that actually gave the name of the organizations that had also indulged in this very nasty exercise. At least one other paper associated with the Murdoch Press had been involved in a hacking scandal. The actor, Jude Law is about to sue the Sun over the hacking allegations.

What is really disgusting to me is that these “news” people were going to such lengths to get their story. They seem to have taken their eye off the main game by this pursuit of trivia, by this desire and pursuit of the rich and famous, as well as their desire to get the “big scoop”. In the process they trampled upon the rights of the common person, especially the right to privacy. This is why the Milly Dowler case is the culmination of the scandal that is now rocking the media. I expect the scandal to worsen, once it is recognized that News of the World was not the only participant.

There is nothing to be gained from hounding Rupert Murdoch in my view. This is being done by the left wing such as the Communist Ed Milliband in the UK and is supported by the watermelon odour-sniffer Bob Brown in Australia, who really hate his guts. Murdoch has always allowed his editors a degree of freedom in how they ran the individual papers. The Murdoch Press has always been far more balanced than the others, and in Australia that is the Fairfax press. The Murdoch press has often shown no real favourites because when it has been time to oust a stale government, then the editorial has reflected that need. On the other hand the other media outlets have taken a more left-wing bias.

A good Australian example occurred last week when a member of the Press Gallery (the journalist who had already played out a Tony Abbott gotcha) asked the usurper PM Juliar the Marxist Dullard, what he could do to help her. It was a question that was the highlight of the week. In the same Press Gallery luncheon, the Dullard sent a message to Andrew Bolt (who writes for Murdoch Press) to “not write crap” – in other words the message being given is that anyone who is against climate change agenda and who shows up the lies of Al Gore is writing crap. (Again I am not sure if I still have the actual links to the story).


Where to now with Chicago corruption?

Tom Fitton, writing for BigGovernment has an excellent post that covers the corruption in Chicago politics. Please read the link. However, it is the conclusion of the article that is important. This leads to the Oval Office and it is the lies and cover-up.

HotAir continues to push the extremely boring Pawlenty, but it looks like the donors are waiting for Perry

HotAir is reporting that in a number of States there is an expectation that if Rick Perry decides to join the Presidential race that there are large donors waiting on the sidelines. This is despite the fact that HotAir continues relentlessly to push the ever so boring Tim Pawlenty.

Here is what I think:

1. Michele Bachman is the absolute novice in the field. Herman Cain is only just above her when it comes to being a novice.  Neither are totally ready for the big run. Of these two I think that Herman Cain is the better candidate. I have real doubts about Bachman. I know that she is preferred by some people, but if you look closely at her record it is not as conservative as you might expect. On the downside to Bachman for me, personally, was her naive response regarding the fake birth certificate. She has refused to touch the issue.

2. Mitt Romney is too much of a RINO, but he continues to be the darling of the MSM. Think about that statement.

3. Ron Paul is too old to be considered a serious contender. He is also too extreme in his views. On a par with Ron Paul is Gary Johnson. I expect Gary Johnson to be knocked out of contention very early in the primaries.

4. Tim Pawlenty has some conservative features that are well liked but he is a mixed bag and there is no way that Pawlenty could beat Østupid. He is simply not the candidate.

5. If Sarah enters the race I do believe that she will get a lot of backing. There are lots of independents who support Sarah Palin.

6. Thaddeus McCotter and Jon Huntsman are probably the joke candidates. Huntsman is a more extreme RINO than Romney. His Watermelon credentials should be enought to sink him to the bottom of the ocean. McCotter has his vote on card check as an albatross around his neck.

7. Rick Perry: Is he the one? He is the most experienced of those who are ex-governors. He has a very clear conservative record on most things. I think he would run rings around Østupid.


Brit Hume on the Department of Justice

HotAir has up a post featuring Brit Hume from Fox News. His statement, which in my view is a strong one, is that the DOJ in regard to Fast and Furious as the whiff of the Nixon DoJ. The comment is an interesting one.

This is probably the first known comment from a news outlet. Perhaps, with Brit Hume making this comment, it will start being picked up by the rest. I cannot see how they can continue to bury the Melson testimony.

If the LSM will not do the job, then we will have to do it for them and start asking the hard questions:

1. Who authorized this program? The answer is that it started under Bush.. but here is another question… how did the program change when there was a change of regime? In other words, did the Bush Administration or DoJ approve of the gun running or did they actually do their jobs and stop the guns actually getting into the hands of the Mexican cartels?

2. What did Eric Holder know and when did he know it?

3. Who gave orders to Eric Holder?

4. Was Janet Napolitano (the boofhead) involved? What orders did she give?

5. Who gave Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder orders in this matter?

This is far worse than the Watergate break-in. The efforts to pervert the course of justice and to prevent the Congress knowing the details means that there is a massive cover-up that needs investigation. The real question is about the ultimate boss – when did he know about Operation Fast and Furious? What was the real plan?

Eric Holder must be forced to resign.


Australia’s own incompetent usurper Marxist

Yes. That description fits perfectly with regards to the current Prime Minister of Australia. She is a Marxist, but she has tried to hide her past allegiance to the Fabian Society. To gain power she stabbed the incompetent Kevin Rudd in the back. It was a very nasty dirty thing that happened. This is a woman whose word you can never trust. To retain power she stole the election after we ended up with a hung parliament. She did this by selling out to the watermelons led by the despicable Bob Brown and the fairy at the bottom of the garden Christine Milne, oh and did I mention the Marxist Lee Rhiannon? Lee Rhiannon is yet another extremely nasty bitch who has made her way into the Senate.

On top of that the lying bitch stated during the usual election hype that she would not introduce a carbon tax. This issue is just like the issue you had with Abominablecare. The Australian public do not want this carbon tax, just like we do not want the flood levy foisted upon us because Queensland Govt did not have flood insurance.  More than 90% of the Australian public is stating no to the carbon tax. It is falling upon deaf ears. Talk about a Pinocchio nose, the lying bitch Juliar-the Marxist – Dullard claims that most Australians want this wealth distribution tax.

Australia has been bombarded with the claims from the most incompetent and lying bunch of scientists known to mankind – the climate scientists who are nothing more than scam artists and scaremongers. There are some rare people, like Judy Curry who actually tell the truth so this is not aimed at those who are competent in doing their work. It is aimed entirely at the scaremongers and those bottom feeders who take taxpayer money to fund their worthless projects with worthless conclusions. The claim that the planet is warming is not based upon fact. It is based upon dodgy data, with base stations placed in positions where the temperatures will always be a little bit higher, like near a tarmac, or air conditioning units. The computer models are a joke, and they exist purely to agree with the current hypothesis. The fudging of the computer model data just shows the degree to which these incompetent scammers keep lying to the public.

I live in Canberra, the watermelon capital of the world. I find it extremely annoying that even my parish priest is indulging in what I term mushroom fodder. You can bet that he gets me angry week by week, and yesterday he nearly made me lose it… I cannot believe that a priest would stand in front of the congregation and more or less crow about the forthcoming tax that will in fact reduce what we have available for the plate. All in the name of stupid green crapola. The whole thing is a scam. It is a lie. It is all about wealth redistribution.

What is worse, the “compensation package” gives out more that what is being projected for income from this stupid tax. It seems that those supporting this crapola are too incompetent to see that if there is a shortfall between incoming and outgoing, it logically means that the Government budget deficit will be increased, not reduced. This will mean more government borrowings, which means there is less investment money available for the private sector, which in turn means that if businesses cannot invest in the future because of the lack of funds, then jobs will disappear. Did I mention that one possible consequence of this stupid crapola tax will be higher unemployment as firms begin yet another round of moving their companies off-shore?

It looks like Australia’s path to economic destruction, thanks to the incompetent Marxist, Juliar Dullard, is now almost complete. The mere fact that the Watermelons now have the balance of power in the Senate is enough to want to go drown one’s sorrows.


In Memorium: Betty Ford

The former First Lady (who was a real lady), Betty Ford has passed away at the age of 93.

You can read about it here. You will also notice that Betty at least knew how to dress properly and bring dignity to the role of First Lady.

Holder needs to be removed

BigPeace has more on Operation Fast and Furious as well as a very good summary on the activities of Eric Holder the most corrupt Attorney General ever. The whole thing is summarized in bullet points and this time I will copy the points for you:

On the Puerto Rican terrorist group FALN:

• After Holder became Deputy Attorney General in 1997, he fired then current Pardon Attorney Margaret Colgate Love, who had issued a report in 1996 recommending against clemency for the FALN and Macheteros.

• Holder installed Roger Adams (who had been a former assistant to Holder at the US Attorney’s office) as the new Pardon Attorney. During 1997 and 1998 Holder met at least nine times with advocates for clemency–never meeting with victims of the FALN’s actions.

In a meeting on November 5, 1997 Holder came up with the idea that the terrorists should express “remorse” for their actions, in an apparent attempt to make clemency seem more palatable to the public (this alternative was later rejected by the terrorists in 1999).

Holder continued to pressure Roger Adams to issue a report recommending clemency. Adams refused to do so because: the prosecutors and the FBI would object; it would hamper investigations into co-conspirators who were still at large; victims of the FALN had not been notified; and the issuance of clemency could cause a public uproar.

A compromise was reached, where an “options report” was issued by Adams that made no specific recommendation. This accomplished the following: the new report did not technically override the Love report from 1996; Roger Adams would not be required to recommend clemency; and the existence of the new report would pave the way for President Clinton to issue clemency.

In early 1999, after Hillary Clinton expressed interest in seeking the U.S. Senate seat from the state of New York (where 1.3 million Puerto Rican voters reside), White House staff began movement on the pardons.

• Holder and Adams forwarded the “options report” to the White House on July 8, 1999. On August 9, Mrs. Clinton met with advocates for clemency. Jose Rivera, a New York City councilman gave Mrs. Clinton documents relating to clemency, and asked that they be given to her husband.

On August 11, Mr. Clinton offered clemency to 16 members of the FALN and Macheteros.

• Despite clemency being an individual grant, Holder and the DoJ allowed the terrorists conference calls between prisons to decide whether to accept the clemencies. It took the terrorists 30 days to accept the offers; after which 14 of the 16 FALN were released from various Federal prisons on September 10, 1999.

During subsequent Senate testimony, Holder refused to answer most questions, claiming executive privilege. He refused to discuss the Love report from 1996, and also stated that a September 1999 report from Janet Reno recommending against the “impending release” of Puerto Rican terrorists was not referring to the 16 who were offered clemency.

During Holder’s Senate testimony in 2009, he admitted that he had recommended clemency for the FALN to Mr. Clinton. He also claimed to not know that many of the group’s members had threatened their trial judge just prior to sentencing, and was unaware that two FALN members were caught on tape making bombs. He also claimed that he knew enough about the group to recommend clemency.

On the Weather Underground:

• In Holder’s written answers to Senator Sessions, Holder said that the DOJ had recommended against clemency for both Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans.

Holder added that he forwarded the negative finding on Rosenberg to the White House without his signature.

He then added that he forwarded the negative finding on Linda Evans to the White House, this time with his signature.

• In his written answers to Senator Specter though, he said that he may have forwarded both findings to the White House without his signature.

By not taking an active stance in supporting the negative findings for both Rosenberg and Evans by the DOJ, Holder was effectively allowing pardons to be issued to both women..

On Marc Rich:

• Holder was first approached by Jack Quinn (Marc Rich’s attorney) in October 1999 and had several contacts with Quinn about the case until January of 2001–a period of 15 months. Holder would later state at least three times before Congress that he had only a passing familiarity with the case.

During the period of October of 1999 to March 2000, Holder tried to broker a deal with Federal prosecutors that would cause the charges against Mr. Rich to be dropped. Holder also received a memo on February 28 from Quinn on why the charges against Rich should be dismissed. The prosecutors issued a total rejection of any deal.

• In November of 2000, Holder was approached again by Quinn, this time in an attempt to obtain a pardon. Holder advised Quinn to contact the White House, and that they should contact him (Holder). This was against the normal procedure, and bypassed the prosecutors (who had previously rejected any deal) and also bypassed the Pardon Attorney’s office.

• On January 19, 2001, Holder told the White House that he was “neutral, leaning favorable” toward a pardon for Rich, even after later admitting that he knew that Rich was a fugitive–and had assumed that a pardon would be rejected. He said he based his recommendation on a statement of support from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak–after hearing of it third-hand from Quinn only moments before.

• Later that evening, Roger Adams learned that both Rich and his business partner Pincus Green were fugitives, and early on the morning of January 20 tracked down Holder at his home to “alert” him of the impending pardons. Holder informed Adams that he was aware of that fact and the conversation quickly ended.

After the pardons were issued by Mr. Clinton, Quinn contacted then acting Attorney General Holder on the 22nd. After complimenting Quinn on being able to obtain the pardons, Holder advised Quinn on how deal with the media over the issue, and ran down a laundry list for making life easier for Mr. Rich. This included taking actions to have the Interpol Red Alert lifted and contacting the court in Manhattan to have the charges removed.

• Holder then asked Quinn if he could fax resumes for two of his deputies to Quinn’s law office (which he subsequently did). He later admitted to Congress that he had earlier spoken to Quinn about becoming Attorney General in a potential Gore administration. Holder had also told the Washington Post that he hoped Quinn might help him in that effort.

During his Senate testimony in 2009, his memory often failed him. Holder would also make statements about his involvement that are contradicted by the known record. He still claimed that he had been unfamiliar with Rich and Rich’s case even after being petitioned repeatedly by Jack Quinn between 1999 and 2001. and maintained that claim even after the Clarendon settlement with Rich in 1995 had been revealed.

On the Clarendon limited settlement:

The Clarendon settlement involved an agreement between that company and the U.S. government to pay 1.2 million dollars in fines for 22 contracts they had received totaling 45 million dollars between 1988 and 1991. Clarendon had been contracted by the Treasury to supply coinage metals to the U.S. Mint, and they had neglected to mention that Marc Rich owned half the company.

• Mr. Rich was a federal fugitive at the time, and was barred from receiving federal contracts. The government threatened to prosecute the company and Holder’s office negotiated the settlement. The Wall Street Journal quoted then DC U.S. Attorney Holder announcing the agreement in an article on April 13, 1995.

• The agreement had been announced on April 12, and the settlement included Holder’s signature in three different places, and also included an affidavit from Marc Rich that he had signed in St. Moritz on April 6. The affidavit included a raised notary stamp, and in addition, the settlement also described Rich’s indictment in 1983 and noted that he was then currently a fugitive.

The Assistant U.S. Attorney, Barbara Van Gelder also signed the document. She would eventually say that she signed the document for Holder, had spoken to others about the case in Holder’s office, but could not “recall” speaking with Holder.

• However, it appears that there are no similarities between the two signatures. It should also be noted that this case was a significant one, and had been ongoing since the government discovered the fraudulent contracts in 1990, and that the case involved 45 million in fraud charges and a settlement of over a million dollars.

It should further be noted that Van Gelder is a political ally of Holder; both have donated to many of the same politicians and causes, including the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. She also contacted the AP last November to endorse Holder the same day that his name had first leaked.

It should also be noted that during Holder’s 2009 Senate testimony, he said of Rich that, “I did not acquaint myself with his record. I knew that the matter involved–it was a tax fraud case–it was a substantial tax fraud case, and I knew he was a fugitive.” Holder’s statement shows that he was fully aware of the Clarendon case.

Holder stated at least six times before Congress in 2001 that he was unfamiliar with Mr. Rich when he was first approached by Jack Quinn. It should be noted that if Mr. Holder was unfamiliar with Rich in 1999, he certainly knew the details of Rich’s 1983 indictment after repeated discussions over a 15-month period with Quinn–and he denied being familiar with the case in both his 2001 and 2009 Congressional testimony.

On the Chiquita Brands scandal:

• Holder, as a member of the Covington and Burling law firm, obtained a plea deal in 2007 for Chiquita Brands International–and helped ten executives and employees escape prosecution for paying “protection” money to the Colombian paramilitary group AUC (United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia).

The AUC is also known as Colombia’s “death squad” and Chiquita’s payments totaled 1.7 million between 1997 and 2004. During those years, the AUC killed 4000 people, and there are no confirmed reports that any Chiquita employees had been directly targeted, as Chiquita implied.

By choosing to take that case, Holder helped ten people who had aided and abetted a terrorist group that had killed thousands avoid prosecution. The company pleaded guilty and received a 25 million dollar fine.

• Holder would later argue in a civil settlement that there’s no law against material support of terrorism, and effectively, in the definition of terrorism

The best of Latma TV

Latma TV is an Israeli organization and it is produced by Caroline Glick. They cover a lot of subjects but the “news” is always in Hebrew. The last time they made fun of the flotilla (when the people on board actually attacked the Israeli soldiers which is clearly seen on the video footage), they did a parody on “We are the world”, I love what they did.

This time, with the flotilla not being allowed to leave Greece, and the captain of the Audacity of Hope being arrested, Latma TV have produced a new video. You will love the tune if you love the Beach Boys: